ZGCTA Activities

2023 Zhongguancun Forum Global Science and Technology Innovation High-level Think Tank Forum was Held Successfully

Date:2023-05-29 15:41


On May 29, the 2023 Global Science and Technology Innovation High-level Think Tank Forum (hereinafter referred to as the "Think Tank Forum") was held with a grand opening in the temporary exhibition area of the Zhongguancun National Innovation Demonstration Zone Exhibition Center. 

The think tank forum is one of the parallel forums of the Zhongguancun Forum. It was sponsored jointly by Beijing Academy of Science and Technology and Chinese Academy of Science and Technology for Development. It was organized by the Institutes of Science and Development of Chinese Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Innovation Strategy, ZGC Global High-Level Think Tank Alliance (hereinafter referred to as "Think Tank Alliance"), the NCR (New China Research) think tank of Xinhua News Agency, Center for International and Regional Cooperation of the BJAST, the think tank center of Beijing Academy of Science and Technology, Center for Science & Technology Development and Governance of Tsinghua University, Beijing Beike Holding Co., Ltd., Beijing Qihang Venture Capital Management Co., Ltd., ZGC Industry Institute, and Beijing Zhongguancun Information Valley Asset Management Co., Ltd. Beijing China-Japan Innovation Cooperation Demonstration Zone and Beijing University of Technology were co-organizers. 

With the theme of "Future Industries and Innovation Ecosystem: the Voice of Global Think Tanks", the Think Tank Forum has invited 3 Nobel laureates, an academician from the Chinese Academy of Engineering, an academician from Academia Europaea, 5 foreign diplomatic envoys to China, 7 representatives of international organizations, and more than 70 chief experts of high-level think tanks from 59 countries to attend the grand event, and the people participating in the forum are more than 500. At the same time, the forum arranged meetings at 16 sub-venues in 8 countries and regions including Germany, Austria, South Korea, Japan and Hong Kong of China, and the forum was broadcast live to the world.

The forum was divided into five sessions: the opening speech, the signing ceremony of the Think Tank Alliance, outcome release, keynote reports, and the concluding speech.

In the keynote report session, the following experts and scholars delivered keynote speeches: Qiao Jie, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and executive vice president of Peking University, Henry Homayoun Radamson, academician of the Academia Europaea and chief scientist of Guangdong Dawan District Institute of Integrated Circuit and System Application, Zhang Li, president of China Center for Information Industry Development, and Wu Jianmin, president of Beijing Academy of Science and Technology. Edvard I. Moser, winner of the 2014 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, and Konstantin Novoselov, winner of the 2010 Nobel Prize in Physics, spoke via video. The six guests shared cutting-edge insights on biomedicine, communication technology, neuroscience, future materials and other fields, and they also conducted in-depth analysis on global technology development trends and China's response. With the title of "Innovation Ecosystem for Future Industries", Wu Jianmin focused on explaining the characteristics of future industries and the framework of the innovation ecosystem. He made a comparative analysis of the innovation ecosystem of future industries, emerging industries and leading industries from the aspects of driving force of the industrial ecosystem development, stability of the industrial ecosystem, the structure of industrial ecological community, and the function of environmental factors. Taking the quantum information industry as an example, he introduced the overall development and policy plan of the global quantum information industry. He also put forward the relevant insights of fostering the innovation ecosystem of quantum information industry in Beijing from the aspects such as cutting-edge science and technology, achievement transformation, and industry fostering. The session of keynote reports was presided over by Liu Dongmei, party secretary of the Chinese Academy of Science and Technology for Development. 

The report of the 20th National Congress of CPC clearly stated that "expand international exchanges and cooperation in science and technology, strengthen the construction of an international research environment, and form an open innovation ecosystem with global competitiveness". Through building a high-level international exchange platform, gathering global wisdom, creating an innovation ecosystem, and empowering future industries with high-quality development, the 2023 Global Science and Technology Innovation High-level Think Tank Forum provides intellectual support for the construction of the International Center for Science and Technology Innovation in Beijing. The Think Tank Forum will continue to adhere to openness, inclusiveness, mutual learning, and strive to make greater contributions to the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind supported by science and technology.